Walking the Forest Path

Traditional coaching and Nature-based walk-and-talks

to explore new perspectives and possibilities as we navigate midlife transitions.

Midlife is the way of the forest. In the third season of life we reach a new stage of maturity coming to terms with who we are.

The question is no longer who WILL you become, but who HAVE you become?

Welcome to the exciting journey of navigating midlife transitions.

Midlife brings unique physical, psychological, and social challenges.

But it is not a crisis

“You were my co-pilot as I explored uncharted territory.” ~ C.

I thought there’d be more time!

Are you wrestling with the finite amount of time left in life?

Do you lament over the number of Saturdays remaining and wonder is that all there is?

Would you like to work on getting the most from life, and explore living a fulfilled life regardless of time remaining?

Has finding purpose become a priority?

"Conversations with you are always stimulating and mind opening." - Mike

Been there, Done that, Now what?

Midlife transitions include:

- Finding purpose and leaving a legacy

- Preparing for retirement and financial security

- Health and mortality

- Career and job satisfaction

- Aging parents and growing children

- Identity and self worth

- Maintaining relationships and new friendships.

What challenges are you facing as you navigate midlife?

“Thoroughly unprepared we take the step into the afternoon of life; worse still, we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and ideals will serve us as hitherto. But, we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning—for what was great in the morning will be little at evening, and what in the morning was true will at evening have become a lie” ~ CG Jung 

what if someone would truly listen?

Navigating Midlife

Midlife comes with its own rewards.

opportunities abound

Midlife is a time to harvest the wisdom we gathered through life. It is our opportunity to be an elder and not just grow older.

The third stage of life is the time of passing on responsibilities and guiding the next generation.

It is a time of reflection and abundance. We discover self-acceptance and a new level of maturity. We find balance in change.

"Lennie changes peoples lives just by listening." ~ overheard conversation

I offer traditional one-on-one and group coaching in a virtual setting to work with you as you navigate midlife’s transitions.

(the next virtual 6 month group coaching cohort starts soon - limited to 6 individuals - meets 2x per month)


I also offer The Forest Path as a Nature-based walk-and-talk experience

“Nature does not hurry,

yet everything is accomplished.”

~ Lao Tzu

Walking The Forest Path merges Traditional Coaching, Personal Development, Ecopsychology, Art Therapy, Serious Play, and Nature-based Coaching into a customizable program. Coach and client co-create the Forest Path experience. Our Walk and Talks combine light to moderate hiking with professional one-on-one individual or group coaching with a focus on your unique midlife transitions. We use a framework of divergent and convergent activities including metaphors, storytelling, journaling, sharing, and connection as we explore midlife challenges and skill building. 

Do you need to take a walk in the woods?

The modular approach of Walking the Forest Path affords you the opportunity to build a program customized to your individual needs and challenges. You may chose a one-and-done day-long session, or build a program to include multiple hikes supplemented with traditional virtual coaching. You may desire a customized program specifically for you and your partner or family.


The Forest Path Walk

Walks involve light to moderate hiking. A day long journey may cover 2 - 6 miles of mixed terrain. Trails are chosen to generate meaningful conversation and contemplation over physical effort. The destination is the journey within - Mindfulness-in-Motion. The pace is leisurely with frequent pauses to allow the conversation to be informed by the surrounding environment. The topic of the coaching conversation is driven by the client’s agenda. The coach acts as a guide, holding space, listening radically, and inviting powerful questions to deepen and forward the conversation.

When the nature of the conversation requires new perspective, we may sit in the dirt to create three-dimensional models with twigs, pinecones, pebbles, etc. The models become metaphors allowing alternative views and meaning making.

We may be called to wander along, or wade in, a stream retelling our stories to include voices discovered on our quest. We may listen to the wisdom of the wind in silence as we journal - capturing our new awareness-in-action.

We travel from the known into the possible. We seek and explore, experiment and practice. We nurture new skills from our experience enabling sustainable growth.

The Forest Path

is an invitation to change your relationship with yourself and your world.

“It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth.” ~ Nietzsche

Your safety and wellbeing are always a priority.

Lennie is a NOLS Certified Wilderness First Responder.

Lennie is trained in: Co-Active Coaching, Narrative Coaching, and Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching

#selfawareness #natureconnection #midlife #midlifecrisis #aging