Where mind and soul converge

What happens in the brain when we walk together in nature? A brief summary.

When taking a client for a walk-and-talk coaching session in nature the coach embraces the entire experience, assembling the 3-dimensional puzzle of Nature-based coaching.

Walking increases the heart rate. An elevated heart rate combined with the hydraulic wave of the foot strike against the earth pumps more blood to the brain. That blood carries additional oxygen obtained by locomotion in the outdoor environment. Along with increased oxygen the blood is carrying immune boosting phytoncides, terpenes, and other plant pheromones triggering chemical reactions in the brain and increasing levels of BDNF improving cognitive functioning.

The rhythm of walking and the accompanying visual patterning (EMDR) decreases rumination, negative emotions, and helps desensitizing anxiety as an effect of bilateral stimulation from crossing the midline. Walking wires and fires neural connections interconnecting the brain hemisphere. Walking on uneven terrain increases brain Neuroplasticity triggering brain growth factors adding new cells to the brain.

Being in nature provides the mind novelty and connection to the natural environment further stimulating the brain and mind. Shifting perspectives aid in processing new learning with longer lasting impact. Connecting to nature allows one to experience wonder and awe - a sense of belonging to something larger than self.

In addition the proximity effect and shared experience stimulates the firing of mirror neurons creating empathetic bonds and building trust between coach and client.

All the above create an opportunity to access the brain and mind that cannot be achieved sitting in a traditional office setting. Leveraging this the client can explore consciousness in an entirely new, deeper, and more effective and impactful way. The Nature-based coach accompanies the client as the client travels from one moment to the next on their journey.

There is a difference between having a coaching session in nature (you coach the client) vs. being with the client in nature and letting nature coach (you are only the accompagnateur - one who walks with).