Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror…

(reflection and/or reflection)

Reflection: 1. throwing back without absorbing. 2. serious thought.

Mirror Mirror.jpg

The practice of reflection is one of the core competencies and responsibilities of coaching. 

Observe, hold up the mirror, reflect, and ask “what do you see?”

Reflecting back, to your client / team, done well is a powerful tool for shifting perspective and creating awareness.

But what happens when the mirror you hold up is not true? What if the mirror is warped like those in a carnival funhouse distorting your reflection?

Is the mirror you are holding up clean and polished? Or is it obscured by layers of dust and grime? Is the angle of the mirror true or off-axis?

Mirrors can be warped by the weight of personal beliefs. Fear of going deeper may cause a refraction of the truth instead of a reflection. If we are not attentive it is easy to nudge the angle of incidence out of square.

It is the responsibility of the coach to ensure the reflecting mirror is true. We can do this by enlisting the second definition of reflection and evoking serious thought or deep self-reflection to attain Self-Awareness.

Deep reflection activities that inspire self-awareness may include:

  • Examining beliefs that may influence or bias your perspective.

  • Questioning who’s agenda you are serving, yours or the client’s?

  • Asking if you have the skills, and courage, necessary to go deeper in the exploration process.

Tools to help keep your mirror true include:

  • Reflection through journaling.

  • Practicing non-judgement with mindfulness.

  • Asking for thoughtful feedback from others.

Self-development is not selfish; it is selfless. However, the hard work of self-development is best not done alone. The most powerful resource for practicing deep reflection is with the guidance of a professional coach or coaching supervisor. A coach will listen openly and reflect back - uncovering the layers obscuring awareness. A supervising coach will provide unbiased feedback on how you are showing up as a coach. They will help you practice the skills that will move you forward on your journey. A coach will work with you to polish your mirror and assure it is true.

It is the practice of deep reflection that will allow you to be the mirror of truth for your clients and teams.

Are you ready to embark on the journey of deep reflection?

Let’s start the journey together. Visit Coaching Supervision for Agile Coaches to learn more.

Because we all deserve someone who will listen.

#agile #agileleadership #agiletransformation #agilecoaching #agilecoach #agilemindset #resiliency #selfawareness

- why I coach